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Category : The University of North Carolina Press

Author : Emilie Stoltzfus

Asin code: B00ZVEGZTK

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Scaricare Citizen, Mother, Worker: Debating Public Responsibility for Child Care after the Second World War (Gender and American Culture) da Emilie Stoltzfus PDF

Scaricare Citizen, Mother, Worker: Debating Public Responsibility for Child Care after the Second World War (Gender and American Culture) [Epub] da Emilie Stoltzfus

Scaricare Citizen, Mother, Worker: Debating Public Responsibility for Child Care after the Second World War (Gender and American Culture) [Ebook] da Emilie Stoltzfus

Scaricare Citizen, Mother, Worker: Debating Public Responsibility for Child Care after the Second World War (Gender and American Culture) [PDF] da Emilie Stoltzfus

Scaricare Citizen, Mother, Worker: Debating Public Responsibility for Child Care after the Second World War (Gender and American Culture) [Audiobook] da Emilie Stoltzfus

Read Online Citizen, Mother, Worker: Debating Public Responsibility for Child Care after the Second World War (Gender and American Culture) da Emilie Stoltzfus

During World War II, American women entered the workforce in unprecedented numbers, and many of them relied on federally funded child care programs. At the end of the war, working mothers vigorously protested the termination of child care subsidies. In Citizen, Mother, Worker, Emilie Stoltzfus traces grassroots activism and national and local policy debates concerning public funding of children's day care in the two decades after the end of World War II.
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